About Us

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  • Child in need

YOJAK: Empowering Communities

Our unique strategy of Joining, Action & Knowledge has it’s roots in an Indian ethos which states;

KNOWLEDGE is the ultimate aim of life.

Knowledge if not utilised for betterment of humanity is of no use (य: क्रियवान् स: पण्डित:) Hence, ACTION is equally important.

Powerful action is not possible without JOINING people together (संघटने शक्ति:)

In simple words, whether it is a slum or a tribal village, we work with group of change makers who are then empowered to take a positive action in their own area. The successful ideas & the knowledge generated thereof is documented and scaled up in other areas.

YOJAK is ‘joining’ people through tools such as Self-help groups & cooperatives. The selected groups are initially empowered through creation of livelihood opportunities along with provision of educational and health facilities.

The groups are further empowered to ‘Act’ on various poverty alleviation & nature conservation initiatives in their village/slum areas.

Our Oath

As members of YOJAK, we pledge to empower girls through education, collaborate with fellow NGOs, and tirelessly work for the welfare of less privileged children. We're committed to creating a brighter, more equitable future for all.

अमंतरम् अक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्|
अयॊग्य: पुरुषॊ नास्ति यॊजकस्तत्र दुर्लभ:||

Youth Organization for Joining, Action & Knowledge (YOJAK) serves as a sanctuary for society’s enlightenment. It stands as a nurturing ground where young individuals cultivate virtues of character (Charitrya), patriotism (Deshprem), and compassion (manavata). YOJAK, a registered NGO, is dedicated to fervently championing the cause of fostering positive transformations in both human and environmental well-being.

To create a world where every child, regardless of their background, has access to quality education, opportunities for personal growth, and the chance to realize their full potential. We envision a society where collaboration among NGOs is the norm, maximizing our collective impact on the welfare of less privileged children and fostering a brighter, more equitable future for all.Empowerment through Knowledge: We believe knowledge is the key to transformation, and we empower communities through education and awareness.

Collaborative Action: We foster unity and collaboration among change-makers, enabling them to take impactful actions in their communities.

Sustainable Impact: Our work focuses on creating lasting, positive changes in livelihoods, education, and environmental conservation.

Inclusivity: We value diversity and inclusivity, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to thrive and contribute.

Scaling Impact: We document and scale up successful initiatives, multiplying the benefits across different areas and communities.

  1. Empowerment through Knowledge: We believe knowledge is the key to transformation, and we empower communities through education and awareness.
  2. Collaborative Action: We foster unity and collaboration among change-makers, enabling them to take impactful actions in their communities.
  3. Sustainable Impact: Our work focuses on creating lasting, positive changes in livelihoods, education, and environmental conservation.
  4. Inclusivity: We value diversity and inclusivity, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to thrive and contribute.
  5. Scaling Impact: We document and scale up successful initiatives, multiplying the benefits across different areas and communities.

2005 to present..
Journey.. challenging but enjoyable...

  • 2005 – Registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860
  • 2006 – Registered under Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950
  • 2008 – Partnership projects with Forbes Marshall CSR & UNFF launched
  • 2010 – Completed Water harvesting projects in two villages
  • 2011 – Partnership projects with JCB-LBCT
  • 2013 – Expansion in slums areas with two new educational projects with Forbes Marshall
  • 2014 – Formation year of Cooperatives & SHGs in various villages
  • 2015 – First ‘NEW AGE GRAMODYOG’ project started in village Pangloli with Adarsh Self help group
  • 2016 – Launch of Kushal & raw.foods brands as separate social enterprises under YOJAK management.
  • 2017Girl’s Scholarship Program for girls in rural and tribal villages of Khed, Chakan
  • 2020 –Developing Women Entrepreneurs as trained “Pashu Sakhis” to develope goat keepers in their villages
  • 2021 –Women groups from tribal communities trained to make Eco-friendly straws from wheat stems & marketed by Social Care and NGOs
  • 2022 –STEM Learning Centers as a Center Model developed

Board Of Directors

Renu Atul Inamdar

Renu Atul Inamdar

M.Sc. Anthropology University of Pune Chairman, Director, YOJAK

Mugdha Hemant Deshpande

Mugdha Hemant Deshpande

B.Pharm, PGDFT

Aniket Anil Kavathekar

Aniket Anil Kavathekar


Prabodh Mankikar

B.Sc. from Mumbai University

Compliances Certificate


Order For Registration


Order For Approval


Approval Letter


Certificate of Registration

Our Support

YOJAK Wall Of Fame